Menus & Messages Documentation
Sample Implementation
Template Based on Sample Implementation
Applet Parameters Index
General Settings
The Images
Image Highlighting
The Associated Message
Defining Annimations
URL Links
General Settings

Copyright notice.
param name="Notice"
value="Menus & Messages, Copyright (c) 1998, OpenCube Inc."
Note: This must be included for the applet to work.

Applet Background Color
param name = "pagebgcolor"
Value = R,G,B, Where R,G,B are the red, green, and blue components of the applets background color.

Default Status Bar Text when mouse is over applet
param name = "onsbtext"
value="X", where X is the message to appear in the status bar when the mouse is over the applet but not over a URL link.
DEFAULT: OpenCube - Infinite Menus Menu

Default Status Bar Text when mouse is off applet
param name = "offsbtext"
value="X", where X is the message to appear in the status bar when the mouse is not over the applet.
DEFAULT: Java by OpenCube

The Images

Image File Location and Name
param name = "imagefile0" - "imagefileN"
Value = X. Where X is the relative location and name of the image file to be displayed in the applet area. This must be defined relative to the location of the document containing the applet.

Image x (horizontal) location
param name = "picx0" - "picxN"
Value = X. Where X is the horizontal location of the left border of the image relative to the left margin of the applet. If your applet width is defined as 100, picx="50" would place the left border of the image horizontally dead center.

Image y (vertical) location
param name = "picy0" - "picyN"
Value = X. Where X is the vertical location of the top border of the image relative to the top of the applet.

Image Highlighting

Image Highlight Border Color
param name = "hcolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B defines the red, green, and blue components of an images highlight color

Image Highlight Border Distance from Image Border
param name = "hdist"
Value = X, Where X is the distance from the image borders of the highlight square.

The Associated Messages

Default Message Description
param name = "desc"
Value = X. Where X is the default message that is initially loaded before the mouse moves over any image. If your text is longer than the width of the applet it will automatically be formatted to multiple lines. You may use a horizontal bar ('|') character to force a paragraph break. For example "this is the first paragraph|this second paragraph and automatically has a space between itself and the first paragraph by using the horizontal bar character" You may force as may paragraph breaks as you wish so long as the length of the message does not exceed the available message length area.

Specific Messages associated with an Image
param name = "desc0" - "descN"
Value = X, Where x is the message that corresponds to the index used to identify a image defined with the "imagefile" parameter. This is the specific message that will appear when the mouse moves over its related image.

Message Bold
param name = "bold"
Value = true or false, true = yes bold text, false = normal text.
DEFAULT: false

Message Italic
param name = "italic"
Value = true or false, true = yes bold text, false = normal text.
DEFAULT: false

Default Font Size
param name = "size"
Value = X. Where X is the default size of the font for all messages.

Specific Font Size
param name = "size0" - "sizeN"
Value = X, Where X is the size of the font for a specific message.

Font Name
param name = "font"
Value = X. Where X is the name of the font to be used for all messages. (valid Java font names: "Courier", "Helvetica", "TimesRoman", "Dialog", "DialogInput")
DEFAULT: Helvetica

Default Text Color
param name = "textcolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B define the red, green, and blue components of the color as described above.

Specific Text Color
param name = "textcolor0" - "textcolorN"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B define the red, green, and blue components of the color for a specific message as described above.

Default Back Ground Color
param name = "bgcolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B define the red, green, and blue components of the back ground color of the message area.

Specific Back Ground Color
param name = "bgcolor0" - "bgcolorN"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B define the red, green, and blue components of the back ground color for a specific message area.

Default Center or Left Justify Text
param name = "centertext"
Value = true or false. Where true = yes center text, false = no left justify text.
DEFAULT: false

Specific Center or Left Justify Text
param name = "centertext0" - "centertextN"
Value = true or false. Where true = yes center text, false = no left justify text.

Left and Right margin
param name = "lrmargin"
Value = X. Where X is the left and right margin not including the border area, if any.

Default Vertical Alignment
param name = "valign"
Value = 1 or 2 or 3. Where 1=align top: 2=align center: 3=align bottom

Specific Vertical Alignment
param name = "valign0" - "valignN"
Value = 1 or 2 or 3. Where 1=align top: 2=align center: 3=align bottom.

Default Border Thickness
param name = "borderthickness"
Value = X, Where X is the thickness of the border for all messages.

Specific Border Thickness
param name = "borderthickness0" - "borderthicknessN"
Value = X, Where X is the thickness of the border for a specific messages.

Default Border Color
param name = "bordercolor"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B define the red, green, and blue components of the border color.

Specific Border Color
param name = "bordercolor0" - "bordercolorN"
Value = R,G,B. Where R,G,B define the red, green, and blue components of the specific border color.

Horizontal X Coordinate of Message
param name = "showx"
Value = X. Where X is the horizontal location, x coordinate of the messages left border using the coordinate system described above. This parameter difines the final horizontal resting location of the message.

Vertical Y Coordinate of Message
param name = "showy"
Value = X. Where X is the vertical location, y coordinate of the messages top border using the coordinate system described above. This parameter difines the final vertical resting location of the message.

Message Width
param name = "showwidth"
Value = X. Where X is the width of the message area.

Message Height
param name = "showheight"
Value = X. Where X is the height of the message area.

Defining the Animations

Default Animation Heading for Messages
param name = "heading"
Value = 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. Where 0=No Animation: 1= Start at Top: 2= Start Right: 3=Start Bottom: 4=Start Left. Note: Watch that the messages do not transition over the images or they will be erased.

Specific Animation Heading for Messages
param name = "heading0" - "headingN"
Value = 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. Where 0=No Animation: 1= Start at Top: 2= Start Right: 3=Start Bottom: 4=Start Left. Note: Watch that the messages do not transition over the images or they will be erased.

Animation Delay
param name = "animationdelay"
Value = X, Where X is the delay time in milliseconds for all animations. (1000 = 1 Second)

Animation Jump Size
param name = "jump"
Value = X, Where X is the jump size in pixels for the animation. A value of 1 yields a slow smooth animation, the larger the value the faster the animation however the chopier the effect.

Url Links

Default Message URL Link
param name = "desturl"
value=X, where X is the link for the default message, It is possible to link from the default message if the user moves the mouse into the applet without touching a button. URL's can be defined relative to the HTML document containing the applet or fully qualified. (NOTE: Linking to an absolute URL located outside of you domain may cause a Java security violation)

Image URL LInks
param name = "desturl0" - "desturlN"
value=X, Where X is the URL to load when the a specific image and its optional associated message are displayed. (Note: the link is active from anywhere in the applet for the current highlighted image). URL's can be defined relative to the HTML document containing the applet or fully qualified. (NOTE: Linking to an absolute URL located outside of you domain may cause a Java security violation)

Default Load Destination URL Where?
param name="loadwhere"
The "loadwhere" tag specifies where the document specified in the "URL" value should be loaded. The default is "_self". A value equal to the name (case sensitive) of a frame will load the document in that frame.

"_self" show in the current frame
"_parent" show in the parent frame
"_top" show in the top-most frame
"_blank" show in a new unnamed top-level window
"name" show in a new top-level window named name
"frame name" show in the frame named frame name

Note: When targeting a frame location with the name of the frame make certain that the case and names are typed identically. If the applet cannot find the frame the document will be loaded in a new window.

Parameter 41
Attribute: Specific Load Destination URL Where?
param name="loadwhere0" - "loadwhereN"
The "loadwhere" tag specifies where the document specified in the "URL" value should be loaded. The default is "_self". A value equal to the name (case sensitive) of a frame will load the document in that frame.

"_self" show in the current frame
"_parent" show in the parent frame
"_top" show in the top-most frame
"_blank" show in a new unnamed top-level window
"name" show in a new top-level window named name
"frame name" show in the frame named frame name

Note: When targeting a frame location with the name of the frame make certain that the case and names are typed identically. If the applet cannot find the frame the document will be loaded in a new window.