
			Learn More About Java2 Professional Tutrial Vol.2

					I-ichirow Suzuki


	Learn More About Java2 Professional Tutrial

			Chapter 1 変数とオブジェクト

			Chapter 2 お約束とコメント

			Chapter 3 メソッドと基本制御

			Chapter 4 コンストラクタと初期化

		Chapter 5 クラスの再利用

		Chapter 6 継承

		Chapter 7 ポリモフィズム

			Chapter 8 インターフェイスとインナークラス

			Chapter 9 コレクション

			Chapter10 エラーハンドリング

			Chapter11 ファイル入出力

			Chapter12 Creating Windows AWT

			Chapter13 Creating Windows Swing

			Chapter14 Multiple Threads

			Chapter15 ネットワーク

			Chapter16 アルゴリズムとデータ構造


//// 	Chapter 5 クラスの再利用


//: c05:SprinklerSystem.java

// 宣言時の変数の値

class WaterSource 


	private String s;




		s = new String("Constructed");


	public String toString() 


		 return s; 



public class SprinklerSystem 


	private String valve1, valve2, valve3, valve4;

	// WaterSource source = new WaterSource() ;

	WaterSource source;

	int i;

	float f;

	void print() 


		System.out.println("valve1 = " + valve1);

		System.out.println("valve2 = " + valve2);

		System.out.println("valve3 = " + valve3);

		System.out.println("valve4 = " + valve4);

		System.out.println("i = " + i);

		System.out.println("f = " + f);

		System.out.println("source = " + source);


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		SprinklerSystem x = new SprinklerSystem();





 * valve1 = null

 * valve2 = null

 * valve3 = null

 * valve4 = null

 * i = 0

 * f = 0.0

 * source = null



//: c05:Bath.java

// コンストラクタの必要性と toString()の意味

class Soap 


	private String s;




		s = new String("Constructed");


	public String toString() 


		return s; 



public class Bath 


	private String s1 = new String("Happy") ;// Initializing at point of definition:

	private String s2 = "Happy" ;

	private String s3 ;

	private String s4 ;

	Soap castille;

	int i;

	float toy;

	public Bath() 


		System.out.println("Inside Bath()");

		s3 = new String("Joy");

		i = 47;

		toy = 3.14f;

		castille = new Soap();


	void print() 


		// Delayed initialization:

		if(s4 == null)


			s4 = new String("Joy");


		System.out.println("s1 = " + s1);

		System.out.println("s2 = " + s2);

		System.out.println("s3 = " + s3);

		System.out.println("s4 = " + s4);

		System.out.println("i = " + i);

		System.out.println("toy = " + toy);

		System.out.println("castille = " + castille);


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Bath b = new Bath();





 * Inside Bath()

 * Soap()

 * s1 = Happy

 * s2 = Happy

 * s3 = Joy

 * s4 = Joy

 * i = 47

 * toy = 3.14

 * castille = Constructed



//// 	Chapter 6 継承

//: c06:Detergent.java 継承

class Cleanser 


	private String s = new String("Cleanser");

	public void append(String a) 


		s += a; 


	public void dilute() 


		append(" dilute()"); 


	public void apply() 


		append(" apply()"); 


	public void scrub() 


		append(" scrub()"); 


	public void print() 




	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Cleanser x = new Cleanser();







public class Detergent extends Cleanser 


	// Change a method:

	public void scrub() 


		append(" Detergent.scrub()");

		super.scrub(); // Call base-class version


	// Add methods to the interface:

	public void foam() 


		append(" foam()"); 


	// Test the new class:

	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Detergent x = new Detergent();






		System.out.println("Testing base class:");





 * Cleanser dilute() apply() Detergent.scrub()

 * Testing base class:

 * Cleanser dilute() apply() scrub()



//: c06:Cartoon.java 継承クラスの実行順序

// 継承先から実行される事に注意

class Art 


	public Art() 


		System.out.println("Art constructor");



class Drawing extends Art 


	public Drawing() 


		System.out.println("Drawing constructor");



public class Cartoon extends Drawing 


	public Cartoon() 


		System.out.println("Cartoon constructor");


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Cartoon x = new Cartoon();




 * Art constructor

 * Drawing constructor

 * Cartoon constructor



//: c06:Chess.java 継承の場合のスーパークラスへの値渡し

class Game 


	public Game(int i) 


		System.out.println("Game constructor i = " + i);



class BoardGame extends Game 


	public BoardGame(int i) 



		System.out.println("BoardGame constructor i = " + i);



public class Chess extends BoardGame 


	public Chess() 



		System.out.println("Chess constructor i = " + i);


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Chess x = new Chess();




 * Game constructor i = 11

 * BoardGame constructor i = 11

 * Chess constructor



//: c06:Hide.java スーパークラスコンストラクタのオーバーロード

class Homer 


	char doh(char c) 



		return 'd';


	float doh(float f) 



		return 1.0f;



class Milhouse {}

class Bart extends Homer


	void doh(Milhouse m) {}


class Hide 


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Bart b = new Bart();

		b.doh(1); // doh(float) used



		b.doh(new Milhouse());




 * doh(float)

 * doh(char)

 * doh(float)



//: c06:Wind.java クラスオブジェクトを渡す

class Instrument 


	public void play() 


		System.out.println("play....") ;


	static void tune(Instrument i) 





class Wind extends Instrument


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Wind flute = new Wind();

		Instrument.tune(flute); // Upcasting




//: c06:BlankFinal.java final 修飾子

class Poppet { }

class BlankFinal 


	final int i = 0; // Initialized final

	final int j; // Blank final

	final Poppet p; // Blank final reference

	// Blank finals MUST be initialized in the constructor:



		// i = 1 ; // Error!

		j = 1; // Initialize blank final

		p = new Poppet();


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		BlankFinal bf = new BlankFinal();




//: c06:Jurassic.java finalクラスはextendsできない

class SmallBrain {}

final class Dinosaur 


	int i = 7;

	int j = 1;

	SmallBrain x = new SmallBrain();

	void f() {}


public class Jurassic


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		Dinosaur n = new Dinosaur();


		n.i = 40;





//: c06:Beetle.java スーパークラスを含む場合の実行プロセス分析

class Insect 


	int i = 9;

	int j;

	static int x1 = prt("static Insect.x1 initialized");

	public Insect() 


		prt("i = " + i + ", j = " + j);

		j = 39;


	static int prt(String s) 



		return 47;



public class Beetle extends Insect 


	int k = prt("Beetle.k initialized");

	static int x2 =	prt("static Beetle.x2 initialized");

	public Beetle() //ここを実行する前にsuperクラスのコンストラクタを実行


		prt("k = " + k);

		prt("j = " + j);


	public static void main(String[] args) 


		prt("Beetle constructor");

		Beetle b = new Beetle();




 * static Insect.x1 initialized

 * static Beetle.x2 initialized

 * Beetle constructor

 * i = 9, j = 0

 * Beetle.k initialized

 * k = 47

 * j = 39



//// 	Chapter 7: ポリモフィズム


//: c07:music:Music.java 

class Note 


    private int value;

    private Note(int val) 


	 value = val; 


    public int getValue()


	return value ;


	public static final Note MIDDLE_C = new Note(0) ;

	public static final Note C_SHARP = new Note(1) ;

	public static final Note B_FLAT = new Note(2);


class Instrument 


    public void play(Note n) 





class Wind extends Instrument 


    // Redefine interface method:

    public void play(Note n) 


	    System.out.println("Wind.play() : " + n.getValue());



public class Music


    public static void tune(Instrument i) 


	    // ...



    public static void main(String[] args) 


	    Wind flute = new Wind();

	    tune(flute); // Upcasting




 * Wind.play() : 0



//: c07:Shapes.java ポリモフィズムとは

class Shape 


    void draw() 




    void erase() 





class Circle extends Shape 


    void draw() 




    void erase() 





class Square extends Shape 


    void draw() 




    void erase() 





class Triangle extends Shape 


    void draw() 




    void erase() 





public class Shapes 


    public static Shape randShape() 


	    switch((int)(Math.random() * 3)) 



	        case 0: return new Circle();

	        case 1: return new Square();

	        case 2: return new Triangle();



    public static void main(String[] args) 


	    Shape[] s = new Shape[9];

	    for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++)// Fill up the array with shapes:


	        s[i] = randShape();


	    for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++)// Make polymorphic method calls:







 * Circle.draw()

 * Triangle.draw()

 * Circle.draw()

 * Circle.draw()

 * Circle.draw()

 * Square.draw()

 * Triangle.draw()

 * Square.draw()

 * Square.draw()



//: c07:WindError.java 

// 引っかかるな ポリモフィズム2

class NoteX 


    public static final int

    MIDDLE_C = 0 ;

	C_SHARP = 1 ;

	C_FLAT = 2;


class InstrumentX 


    public void play(int NoteX) // This one





class WindX extends InstrumentX	


    // OOPS! Changes the method interface:

    public void play(NoteX n) 


		System.out.println("WindX.play(NoteX n)");



public class WindError 


    public static void tune(InstrumentX i) 


	    i.play(NoteX.MIDDLE_C);//MIDDLE_C = 0 ;


    public static void main(String[] args) 


	    WindX flute = new WindX();

	    tune(flute); // Not the desired behavior!




 * InstrumentX.play()



//: c07:Sandwich.java コンストラクタからの呼び出し

class Bread 


    Bread() { System.out.println("Bread()"); }


class Cheese 


    Cheese() { System.out.println("Cheese()"); }


class Lettuce 


    Lettuce() { System.out.println("Lettuce()"); }


class Meal 


    Meal() { System.out.println("Meal()"); }


class Lunch extends Meal 


    Lunch() { System.out.println("Lunch()");}


class PortableLunch extends Lunch 


    PortableLunch() {System.out.println("PortableLunch()"); }


class Sandwich extends PortableLunch 


    Bread b = new Bread();

    Cheese c = new Cheese();

    Lettuce l = new Lettuce();





    public static void main(String[] args) 


	new Sandwich();




 * Meal()

 * Lunch()

 * PortableLunch()

 * Bread()

 * Cheese()

 * Lettuce()

 * Sandwich()



//: c07:PolyConstructors.java

// extendsを考える

abstract class Glyph 


    abstract void draw();



	    System.out.println("Glyph() before draw()");


	    System.out.println("Glyph() after draw()");



class RoundGlyph extends Glyph 


    int radius = 1;

    RoundGlyph(int r) 


	    radius = r;

	    System.out.println("RoundGlyph.RoundGlyph(), radius = " + radius);


    void draw() 


	    System.out.println("RoundGlyph.draw(), radius = " + radius);



public class PolyConstructors 


    public static void main(String[] args) 


    	new RoundGlyph(5);




 * Glyph() before draw()

 * RoundGlyph.draw(), radius = 0

 * Glyph() after draw()

 * RoundGlyph.RoundGlyph(), radius = 5



//: c07:Transmogrify.java  new で自在に操る

abstract class Actor 


    abstract void act();


class HappyActor extends Actor 


    public void act() 





class SadActor extends Actor 


    public void act() 





class Stage 


    Actor a = new HappyActor();// This one

    void go() 




    void change() 


	 a = new SadActor(); // and this one!



public class Transmogrify 


    public static void main(String[] args) 


	    Stage s = new Stage();

	    s.go(); // Prints "HappyActor"


	    s.go(); // Prints "SadActor"




 * HappyActor

 * SadActor


I-ichirow Suzuki _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_

URL : www.kg-group.com Top Page

Mail : suzuki@kg-group.com

/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_ ICQ : 3743158